Register Parent/Guardian

You will use this e-mail address as your username to log in so that you can add or edit your child(ren)'s records. This authentication helps us to be certain that the person who filled out this form will be the same person who is enrolling students.

Enter phone number in 'xxxyyyzzzz' format (i.e. 3147660123)

Used to authenticate you in case your browser or device doesn't work well with cookies.

I want to receive SMS alerts that tell me my child(ren)'s status throughout the night (made it to class, ate supper, etc.). I also understand that this feature is under development and may or may not come to fruition. I also understand that, to receive SMS messages, the phone number that I have entered needs to be SMS-capable. Finally, I agree to pay carrier charges (if applicable) to receive text messages.

I hereby certify that the children I enroll in Elm Street Baptist Church's Bus Ministry program are under my legal care, and that I have the authority to enroll them into the program.

We need a picture of you to know who we're talking to in case: of an emergency; of a disciplinary call/visit; you need to pick up your child.